Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Creation and time in the funhouse. Eternity is dependent on time. Duality can always be recreated.

Scurry on into the glossary to view the definitions of the following metaphors: Funhouse, carnival, mirror, duality.

Duality collapses when the imbalance of one or the other mutually arising side become too profound


All interpretations of senses, as well as thought forms (see def) including scientific theories, social conventions, religious and political dogmas, that we incorrectly perceive and believe to exist outside our own and others thought creation. Also used in conjunction with the House of Mirrors and Funhouse Mirrors. An analogy that compares the reflections within the carnival attraction to the reflections we believe to be more real than their ‘creator(s)’.

The very notion of eternity resides in time.


A thought ‘created’ concept implying its own existence and the solidity of time when there is none. The word ‘creation’ incorrectly implies that the thought process created ‘past’ is real, and therefore, that there must have been a ‘creator’. ‘Creation’ may also allude to thought, which is the first distinction as well as sound (“God Spoke ‘word‘ and there was Light”). The first thought is sound, sound vibrates, vibrations are energy that ‘glows’ to ‘the process of observing’, subjectively interpreted as light, light forms shapes, colors, angles, numbers, letters.

In this image, you can see the ‘duality’ button. Pressing this feature is neither right or wrong. Doing so brings you to a place where ‘thought’ is contingent on time, while time creates more of the same.

For more reflective metaphors about the experience you are encountering right now, take the 11:11 El Luchador Journey

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