Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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A tale of buried joy. Joy and awareness IS the present. the Twin Inferno state can only be covered up.

You’re worthy of sovereignty.

How have you given consent to buried joy?

Behold, the unintuitive way to walk out of the illusory-like world of ‘carnival’.

Walk into the Tao of Now, and discover that joy and awareness is the present.

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ from ‘11:11 El Luchador Gauntlet’ strikes a pose as if he’s some sort of monk… he is not! He’d much rather be having a whisky at the pub.


Any activity, behavior, or thing that competes for the attention of the observer. May refer to activities, things, habits, distractions, language with built in deception, and the commonly defined 5 senses that can act as barriers to understanding and embracing the essential nature.

For those who realize they chose to enter the carnival, there are times to move a little further away from the lights and sounds.

You can only lose the ‘war’ if you believe there is a ‘war’.

The ‘battle’ is only done to free the small-self from its certainty (that it’s all there is).

The intoxication that sensation brings is part of the ride. You just don’t want to stay on that ride ‘forever’.

It’s your choice… in the right state you can place your ‘will’ upon ‘the system’ (duality). If you do, be prepared to entertain the consequences as well. There’s ultimately no right or wrong about your decision.

The ‘light’ of other Wills doesn’t usually cooperate about getting outshined. In peace, you can operate and exercise your WILL. To be an effective creator, it’s a wise idea to MAKE SURE YOU ACCEPT PAIN, AND NO LONGER ARE CAPABLE OF SUFFERING!

Wheels within wheels we find our small-selves swirling.

The scams, cons, and injustices in duality have no end! Yet, you can be relaxed in their midst.

In this image, the ‘light of wills’ bathes the interior of our experience. We sometimes have trouble differentiating between that which we have consented, and that which we no longer.

So it is that we can return to a state that allows for mastery of presence, relaxing into the playground of our joy.

Despite the effect of ‘other wills’ upon your small-selves experience, sovereignty is unaffected.

X’Tzu doing a yoga pose because he thinks it would make a cool picture.

Re-examine consent to watch your higher and lower self mend.

The fountains of joy can be uncovered, even ‘after’ you made choices that brought pain. Metabolize suffering and convert it to mere pain, this is where discomfort turns to a gift that washes you clean.

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