EMC2 mirror perception. It's our attention that causes time dilation.

It’s amazing that we reflect perception as we find ourselves believing our own descriptions to be greater than their creator.

Open up your fair map and head to the glossary. Define the metaphors of Carnival and Exit Gate.

Three superscience slingshot carny’s headed for the exit gate.
CARNIVALThe commonly perceived ‘world’ that the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a playground and battleground for Wills that have varied intentions. Carnivals consist of duality, and dual…


The commonly perceived ‘world’ that the mind may perceive as solid, real, and permanent, but is really illusory-like, movie-like, and a playground and battleground for Wills that have varied intentions. Carnivals consist of duality, and duality disguised as singularity.

Focused attention causes the dilation and constriction of time.

One tripped over E=MC2, where ‘C’ was hustling time. Evidently, a mischievous assumption insisted energy wasn’t a symptom of mind.
He never made it to the gate.
CARNIVAL GATEThe transition point between perceiving in the Absolute and Relative (see def). Same as ‘Carnival Fence’.We begin to believe that our own descriptions are more real than their creator.


The transition point between perceiving in the Absolute and Relative (see def). Same as ‘Carnival Fence’.

We begin to believe that our own descriptions are more real than their creator.

ENERGYA perceived, yet ultimately illusory-like field created by thought and will. Energy and Matter are both temporally created fields viewed from different vantage points.At some level, we have consented to our template of perception. We should re…


A perceived, yet ultimately illusory-like field created by thought and will. Energy and Matter are both temporally created fields viewed from different vantage points.

At some level, we have consented to our template of perception. We should regularly question those perceptions.

The second slipped on a melted ice-cream cone when the speed of his perception kept rockyroad matter from appearing as sugary energy.
Our perceptions reflects its creator.

Our perceptions reflects its creator.

That which is somewhat confusing is a symptom of them mind… and not necessarily your mind.

That which is somewhat confusing is a symptom of them mind… and not necessarily your mind.

e=mc2 is a reflective mirror.

e=mc2 is a reflective mirror.

The last carnie laughed at the roar of the carnival, and mocked,
’Let me get this straight; the movement of consciousness is proportional to the mass intention of Wills ‘creation’, which of course, should then be multiplied by the squared frequency of collective attention.
Welcome to the E=MC2 mirror perception. where matter and energy are symptoms of mind.

Welcome to the E=MC2 mirror perception. where matter and energy are symptoms of mind.

We make assumptions that energy and matter are different, when they are two vantages of the same ‘thing’.

We make assumptions that energy and matter are different, when they are two vantages of the same ‘thing’.

e=mc2 is a grand hustle… an equation of 2 mirrors, and 1 desire.

e=mc2 is a grand hustle… an equation of 2 mirrors, and 1 desire.


Note: E=mc2… where ‘c’ alleges a time equivalency. The unexamined assumptions of perception inappropriately infer energy and matter aren't symptoms of ‘mind’.