The world serves you by its limited time frame. Belonging isn't everything.

Indeed, all things that come... go. Including planets, piglets, and people.
Are you oblivious to each others experience, conniving for every coin?
An out-of-balance world that’s lost critical thinking will tear itself down, eating itself out of existence.
Still… the world serves you by its limited time frame.
Yet… the world eventually serves you in its self-corrective nature.

At what point do you exercise choice?
Even the best tattoo fades… nothing lasts forever.

Even the best tattoo fades… nothing lasts forever.

If self-appointed carnival masters of civic, financial, scientific, religious, social and educational leadership perpetuate beliefs that can’t be questioned or debated, it’s safe to say there’s fairgrounds about to be washed away. When the stink of groupthink corrals me and you into us vs. them, Mr. Clean vs. unrighteous janitor, outside the fence heathen vs. inside the carnival ‘believer’, it’s tempting to imagine even the stuffed animal prizes will soon head for the exit gates, having been provided no alternatives.

Still, you choose choice.

Does your tattoo speak to what is missing underneath the skin?

Self-absorbed fairgoers crowded around the Dime Toss booth are oblivious to each others experience, conniving for every coin, telling you its OK because they’re victims. They use their ill gotten winnings to sponsor your small-selves removal, for your very presence and lack of agreement with their ideology is perceived as violence against them. You’re damn sure you never want to be a part of this ‘in-group’, as most are, and are on the edge of believing there’s nothing or no one worth trying, buying, lying, sighing, or dying for – including chocolate covered bacon.

Still, you choose choice.

FAIRGROUNDSA term used to metaphorically refer to an experience that may be considered illusory or illusory-like.


A term used to metaphorically refer to an experience that may be considered illusory or illusory-like.

CREATURES IN THE PENThose who are inside of a illusory-like spell, yet do not see, or want to see themselves as so. Also defined as patrons, travelers, cattle, chattel, farm workers, barnyard denizens,


Those who are inside of a illusory-like spell, yet do not see, or want to see themselves as so. Also defined as patrons, travelers, cattle, chattel, farm workers, barnyard denizens,

An out-of-balance carnival that’s lost critical thinking is not even worth tearing down, for all the squirming masses are now creatures in the pen, wallowing around in the animal display area, proudly looking at their reflections and forgetting their self-induced destination is to end up as pork products. Yet, you just move through, immune from their irrationality, transitioning to other dimensional playgrounds that feature appearances from life and death.

You’ve chosen choice.

In a cultish world with over-focused attention on good vs. evil, duality either collapses or rebalances - it depends on how integrated your smaller relative self desires to interface with your absolute. Without the black or white robes others wear, you know that carnivals are designed to serve by their very dissolution, temporary pigpen challenges to be mucked after your soul’s tempered.

‘Is chocolate covered bacon worth dying for?

You admit ‘choice’ and the responsibility it creates. The porcine crusade of status quo rules the moment, yet in the present we can still treat people as individuals, aspects of the Absolute-self... all connected and one. In your choice, mastery accepts the consequences no matter how severe.

They’re there to serve.

You operate from the integrated Absolute-self.
You no longer hear yourself uttering, ‘Oink!’

If you need to release rage, anger, frustration, or light dissatisfaction from navigating todays dynamics, pop into the Virtual Rage Room and have at it!