Tao of Perception - Examining Reality in the Playground

Would you like to hear a playground paradox?

Some smaller-selves believe that we’re souls that have been tricked here. When you know you’re in a playground - this belief disappears.

In the tao of perception, distinctions fall away.

In the tao of perception, distinctions fall away.

Without knowing that you’re on a playground swing, we see a ‘reality’ where ‘nothing is real’. It’s accompanied by a dreadful feeling that we’re stuck in the hypnotic trance of all we do.

Without feeling our hands on the merry-go-round, we think we dream, when in fact, our small self is dream.

Without seeing the hopscotch squares beneath our feet we think the dualistic world is solid and singular, and then call it an ‘illusion’.

The universe is not a hologram, it’s a playground

The universe is not a hologram, it’s a playground

Without knowing we’re on a slide, we compare the experience to a ‘hologram’, never considering it takes an illusory ‘solid’ thing to create that very 3-dimensional picture (just another level of illusion).

Without understanding we’re swinging on monkey bars, we think the world is billions of years old, when time only exists in our ‘head’, and is the symptom of the distinctions temporarily created by thought (not necessarily ‘our’ thought).


Without seeing our image in playground puddles, we are convinced that man and woman are forever, when in fact man and women are reflections.

While experiencing the sensation of being in a celestial sphere/jungle gym, we believe in space and wonder, and all its illusory-like awe.

Hypnosis and trance remove you from the knowledge that you’re in a playground. Outside of this state and floating in the present it becomes clear that we chose to consent to and accept the creations of others. Yet, we also create landscapes that 'ot…

Hypnosis and trance remove you from the knowledge that you’re in a playground. Outside of this state and floating in the present it becomes clear that we chose to consent to and accept the creations of others. Yet, we also create landscapes that 'others' may explore. One big playground ; )

Embrace the tao of perception in the Alchemy Lounge on Facebook