A near death perception happened the moment you perceived yourself as being born. you’ve already had a Near death experience

Join the debate with butterflies and hummingbirds as they discuss birth and death.

Hover for awhile and compare their perceptive relationships to ‘near-death experiences’.
Butterflies proud of their metamorphosis like to call their experience ‘death’.
As we realize that sleep and wake reside within the same dream, we then travel from ‘birth to death’, and ‘life to life’ with clarity and detachment.

As we realize that sleep and wake reside within the same dream, we then travel from ‘birth to death’, and ‘life to life’ with clarity and detachment.

Careful that you don’t fall into the false ‘specialness’ that many feel after having what they consider a ‘near death’ experience.

Careful that you don’t fall into the false ‘specialness’ that many feel after having what they consider a ‘near death’ experience.

Hummingbirds know they’re full of cocoon and have some more pupating to do.
You’re now a ruby throated flutter that doesn’t have to die and come back to life to have a transformational ‘near death experience’.
Near death experiences in animals
death and life are infatuates with each other
Some beasts ignore the temporary distinctions of life and death
‘Human’s metamorphize until there is no more ‘human’.

‘Human’s metamorphize until there is no more ‘human’.

If you’re sipping nectar from these words,
you were ‘dead’ before you were ‘born’.
Life or death… which one comes first?

Life or death… which one comes first?

We perceive others as ‘dying’… but nobody who ‘dies’ sees themself as ‘dead’. There’s always some variation of perpetuation to continue the experience. Now maybe you don’t remember your ‘death’. That’s because you haven’t ‘died’, nor does the lack o…

We perceive others as ‘dying’… but nobody who ‘dies’ sees themself as ‘dead’. There’s always some variation of perpetuation to continue the experience. Now maybe you don’t remember your ‘death’. That’s because you haven’t ‘died’, nor does the lack of memory infer you didn’t live. It’s your continuation, your time-based experience, to feel as if alive, a place where ‘life’ and ‘death’ are as real as the next dream purporting the same.

When you unlearn all, you’re hovering by the humzinger feeder where life and death aren’t invited to drink.
You can become like a child again, the way you once were. You can re-discover the playground in a few easy realizations.

You can become like a child again, the way you once were. You can re-discover the playground in a few easy realizations.