Time and ego float upon the shoreline. Unattached to time, you're free from that which comes & goes.

At X'Tzu's Zoo, time and ego are floating about the shoreline...

Fly with us, detach from that which comes and goes.

Looking forward to seeing you, kicking back on the sand.

‘I am now unattached to time, free from the the tidepool of creatures that came and went, and emancipated from the ego that suggested I was like the jetty rocks supporting the entire story.’

Seagulls have something to say.
Wind blows through your plumage, the sea beneath shimmers and glimmers as the sound beneath supports the crashing waves of your experience. The sunlight on your back, together with the motion of those on the beach bring your right wing down, where the current of air slips over.
Your body pulls and swoops.
Oceanic invitations
Thought is its own mirror. Once a thought or distinction is made (for convenience), a whole slew of other events take place… such as time and ego. A thought is literally a set of reflecting mirrors that bounce the ‘creator’ back and forth within it,…

Thought is its own mirror. Once a thought or distinction is made (for convenience), a whole slew of other events take place… such as time and ego. A thought is literally a set of reflecting mirrors that bounce the ‘creator’ back and forth within it, until the mirrors are broken.

There are others like you, with wings and needs and hunger.
The squawking understood as silence, bequeaths your soul.
Here, in a moment of clarity, and a ruffling of neck feathers you remember that another seagull once said, ‘The more squawking you use to describe where the trashcan is, the further you’re away from it’.
The moment you consider or act within any ‘thing’, you step away from a bit of presence.

The moment you consider or act within any ‘thing’, you step away from a bit of presence.


As you look around your perch you notice that the willet has its own observations. He’s finally figured out that the principalities and powers of the air, such as vultures and storks are still temporal creatures, despite their feather filled claim that they’re greatly advanced and can soar so much ‘spiritually’ higher!

Such animals tend to break their big stick legs when the branches beneath them snap.

In the rocks you notice a Dungeness crab reaching out to grab immortality, to loft its boney pinchers upon where it’s rumored duality might become singularity. As his claws resonate hollow, he’s completely forgotten that the ever-present is on the jetty the whole time. The tide comes in and out for as long as his crabby claws cling to these imaginations.

The barnacles just sit there, amused.

…and then there’s an observant cormorant flipping its wings against the rock, asking why its worn beak and graying plumage of experience appears as ‘aging’. As long as it refuses to fly from its rocky roost, it has no choice but to see itself in the wave washing wonder of time, for its very nature has sprung from the act of perception itself.

You shake your body and dew mists the air, thinking, ‘I am now unattached to the tidepool of creatures that came and went, and the ego that made me think I was like the rocks of the jetty that support the entire story.’
Become unattached to ego and time.