The DNA of duality is reflected in two twisting strands... breaking spells of the DNA deception.

Break the spell, the one cleverly provided to you. Dissolve the telomeres of perception, and complete your unwind.

Interested in breaking the spells of DNA deception?

Un-twist yourself to change the channel.

Become a fractal observer to massage the DNA of duality into any shape you like.

Meander into the glossary to first define the following words; Duality, Thing, Observer, Carnival, Angles.

‘DNA’ is yet another spell, one that seeks to appear as a ‘thing’... providing clue to its dualistic spirals, fractal insinuations, symbology & inference as the ‘building’ block of a reality allegedly greater than its observer.

Do you want to uncover the angles of persuasion which resonate at the deepest small-self level, and macro-vibing a persistent spell every time you open your wallet?
Within the relative dualistic view, culture is passed down as information genetically (nature), as well as nurture. A crows offspring will recognize a specific enemy of their parents, while elephants offsprings remember the water source paths of the…

Within the relative dualistic view, culture is passed down as information genetically (nature), as well as nurture. A crows offspring will recognize a specific enemy of their parents, while elephants offsprings remember the water source paths of their parents (even if their parents haven’t brought them there). DNA is not so much a building block, but a filter. This too is reflected in what relative eyes consider ‘races’ and ‘sexes’. The perceptions and behaviors create a giant matrix of perceptive options that reinforce each other. - XTzu

The DNA of duality is reflected from our observation of the two twisting strands! You’ve seen it in the ‘S’ letter, in the shape of the ‘S’nake, and in the $dollar bill you look at every day. Even the word ‘S’erpent really means ‘Ser’ (which is a form of “to be”), and ‘Pent’, meaning of 5 sides’.... or... ‘to be of 5 sides’.
The carnival has many pentagles and pentagrams that constantly ‘speak’ to your subconscious illusory-like mind. The pent ‘angles’ invoke an automatic reaction within the small ‘you’ mind. These angles are the angles of persuasion, resonating at the deepest small-self level and macro-vibing a persistent spell every time you open your wallet.
DNA doesn’t accurately illustrate ‘what’ is transpiring.

For ‘DNA’ is yet another spell, one that seeks to appear as a ‘thing’, while providing you clue to its real nature in its dualistic twisting spirals, fractal insinuations, angular summation, symbology, and pressing usage to infer it as the ‘building’ block of some sort of reality that is greater than its observer.
In this image, the character named ‘X’Tzu’ from the 11:11 El Luchador story contemplates how DNA is a suggestion, and how one should examine its premise.

In this image, the character named ‘X’Tzu’ from the 11:11 El Luchador story contemplates how DNA is a suggestion, and how one should examine its premise.

Ultimately even the perception of DNA is a stumbling block to ‘knowing’ if we think it’s more real than the thought-form that created the concept of DNA.

Incredible planets, ‘DNA’ that makes us think ‘we’ve figured it all out’, races of humanoids, and fantastic star battles are fun to contemplate as long as they’re couched in the knowing that they’re just language to describe the competing thought-forms as they vie for attention.



It’s not our ‘genes’ that make our behavior. It’s our soul that creates the perception of genes. The genes and the perception go hand in hand. Then, we look at that which is no-thing, and think it’s some-thing. Just as our ‘body’ and ‘brain’ is illusory-like, so is our perception. Blue bloods, rh factors, and kings are just perceived. We give the perception labels that were suggested to us power of ‘cause’ when it has none. Our perception is along for the ride. 


When you stand in the Absolute, and have chose to be in the playground of the Alchemy Lounge, you have given DNA a DNR.