Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Why the universe is silent. Find out heavier truths about 'progress'.

Most of what we view as ‘complexity’ is actually advanced failure. Our ‘glasses’ reflect and refract our own creations, according to boundaries and templates we’ve consented.

Here, the hat represents ‘mind’. It is that which creates, consents, supports, and embraces every-thing inside and outside… from itself to the supposed universe around it.

The glasses represent ‘perception’, while the eye is the ‘pupil’ (or student).

Each light symbolizes another Will. Within the theater, the pupil/student takes in the ‘information’ provided to it by these wills. Information comes ‘in’ you and ‘forms’.

The blinding light of unquestioned ego prevents us from seeing complexity for what it is.

The ‘ego’ is built and reflected by the first distinction, while the ‘pupil’ of all our senses consents to the screenplay. We leave signposts within our l-ang-uage, ones that alludes to the ‘eye’. Even the small ‘i’ looks at you, wondering when you’ll ‘see’ what’s going on.

Wearing the ‘hat’ of mind, a ‘faceless’ shadow is all the faces that have ever appeared within the universe.

The glasses of perception are seen within a stony sculptor of an open mouth serpent (ser-pent; to be of 5 sides).

We view through the ‘mouth of the serpent’ when the light we receive is unquestioned and brighter than the light we radiate.

In this image, the hat represents mind, the glasses perception, and the watch - time. Not only does the earth and the graffiti upon it come and go, so does the very perception that makes it so.

In the glasses of ‘perceived creation’, and under the imagined hat of ‘mind’ we find the entire ocean of beauty and ugliness. The waves wash in and out as we carry out our dualistic dance n’ trance.

Through the ‘glasses of perception’ the field of space awaits. We believe we’re going some-where, when we’re really just teasing ourselves that ‘creation’ is not ours to ‘create’.

Yet the analogy of the ‘theatre’ is sublime, for it speaks to our condition, one that is neither right nor wrong, good or bad, up or down, inside or outside.

The ‘theatre’ is our artist palette. When we realize as such, our canvas grows to proportions commensurate with our imagination and will.

The more ‘brilliant’ we become, the more UN-available we are to the subtleties of the present. It’s not a humongous ordeal to lament over… you know, being just another small-self attached ego on a quest to pretend it isn’t something that comes and goes. We accept that we limit the choices of presence when we expand our ego value. There’s nothing right or wrong about perpetuating the game in perpetuity. ; )

The Phoenix is a state of ‘be-ing’, beyond the confines of ‘soul’. Twin Inferno is the state of one foot in the theatre and one foot out… one that enjoys the ‘light’ creations of other wills, while creating its own radiated energy to be reflected off the silver screen into other wills waiting eyes.

Just for fun…

Consider that ‘sub-plot’ stellar neighbor of ours… would you? Even though he’s an attractive pip squeak, grayish, little bug-eyed chap, he still bio-engineered himself into a fleshy robot with little grasp of spirit. Yeah… and we wonder why the universe is so silent!