What level of religious self-deception are you willing to ignore?

In X'Tzu's Zoo, monkeys and chimps have a lot to say.

So, what’s the acceptable level of religious self-deception you’re willing to embrace?

The crazy cackling you hear in the trees of scripture is a Nature documentary showing branch grabbing observers swinging away from an old testament grouch-god, towards a new & improved mannered savior-god.
Monkeys label out-of-the-norm perceptive events as ‘incomprehensible miracles’ when they’re unable to see magic in every tree.

Monkeys label out-of-the-norm perceptive events as ‘incomprehensible miracles’ when they’re unable to see magic in every tree.


Outside the fact that Gallo Wine could have made a fortune 2000 illusory-like years ago if they’d employed the right individual, this, uh, go-spell book now balanced with good & bad, was placed in monkey hands to preserve jungle love duality, and re-present it as if it was singularity.

That’s why deep in the Congo, that which is called ‘god’ is false god.
Creator gods are as transient as their creations.

Creator gods are as transient as their creations.

Here, the ‘god’ that can be captured by words can be found snickering as you miss the contradiction eating bananas in front of your eyes.

For this god is one of our own making… a loincloth wearing trickster, a jokester with a bone in its nose, a conman shaman with chutzpah.

Join us in your loincloth