Posts tagged control-system
What level of religious self-deception are you willing to ignore?

Deep in the Congo, that which is called ‘god’ is false god. Here, the ‘god’ that can be captured by words can be found snickering as you miss the contradiction eating bananas right in front of your eyes.

In X'Tzu's Zoo, monkeys and chimps have a lot to say.

So, what’s the acceptable level of religious self-deception you’re willing to embrace?

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What can an ant teach you about the control system? Learn how you give your power away.

Illumi-Ant causes the orange thing to set and the liquid stuff to pour from the sky! Just what can an ant teach you about the control system and manipulation?

Drop off the branch & into X'Tzu's Zoo. Stop giving your power away.

Learn about perception and false gods, then determine if you're the ant, the aphid, or something else?

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