Did you know that Divinity only happens in Duality, and Duality is Divine?

Divinity is the morse code of duality, and desire and thought are its transmission lines.

Encounter the unexpected reality of ‘divine’ and ‘divinity’.
Divinity is the morse code of duality, and desire and thought are its transmission lines.
Desire is the tapping dashes of potential, where the intention of two turned-on potentials are the electrical telegraphy of thought.

Thought is the morse mechanic of an angle; the time it suggests is the distance between your attention’s focus and where the angle’s dashes inters£xt.
In this image, the character named ‘X’Tzu’ from the 11:11 El Luchador story has entered the swirl of divinity, only to discover that it’s just a ‘special’ way of saying ‘duality’.

In this image, the character named ‘X’Tzu’ from the 11:11 El Luchador story has entered the swirl of divinity, only to discover that it’s just a ‘special’ way of saying ‘duality’.

The ‘divine’ includes all that is mutually arising, including the darkness.

The ‘divine’ includes all that is mutually arising, including the darkness.

Angles are communication building blocks, the intention of creating more complex code creations through geometry, and… geometry… that of numbers.
Numbers make up the dotted ‘i’s and dashing dashes of spelling.

Spelling in touch, sound and sight is the telegraph of the di-vine.
Yet from relative eyes, we ignore the beauty and ugliness that divinity embraces.

Yet from relative eyes, we ignore the beauty and ugliness that divinity embraces.

Life and death reside in divinity, as does good and evil.

Life and death reside in divinity, as does good and evil.

Di-vine is the two-vined cablegram of the double helix, which in turn is the keyed telecommunication of what playground dwellers call life.

Life is active attention to the internal code transmission of Wills fractal information called matter, energy, and electromagnetism.
In-formation is the subjective sensation of what senders and receivers call light (the ‘light’ of sound, touch, and all sensations).

Light is the sound of morse code from one soul to another.
The maelstrom within this ‘lighthouse’ is one of creation and destruction… of course, only once we’ve appropriately labelled all the ‘things’ that divinity beckoned.

The maelstrom within this ‘lighthouse’ is one of creation and destruction… of course, only once we’ve appropriately labelled all the ‘things’ that divinity beckoned.

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ gained peace… even has he stood with the living and dead. The ghosts of lighthouses belong with the ‘living’. It was only his tuning that disallowed clarity. This brought true divinity into grasp.

In this image, the character ‘X’Tzu’ gained peace… even has he stood with the living and dead. The ghosts of lighthouses belong with the ‘living’. It was only his tuning that disallowed clarity. This brought true divinity into grasp.

Souls are the on-off clicks of the Absolute-self dressed up as distinctions between Sun’s, Son’s, and Son’s of Bitches on morse code machines!

Love is the morse code decoder that un-di-vides it all.


To arrive in our mastery, any belief that our Absolute-self is ‘divine’ is uncreated and di-vided in an ergonomically relaxed way. I now remove my bifocals, wipe off my ‘sun’ screen and morse type, ‘Dot Dash Dot!  X’s & Oh’s ; )’

From reference of my smaller relative self I do declare, “Only in duality am I divine. I am in the original state of Twin Inferno, the melting of the two into one. Through this code all things are possible, choice is paramount, and twin flame energy may swirl freely.”


A Call to the Curious…


Do you have a belief system that reinforces the idea that ‘divinity’ is the ideal state that integrates you to what you consider ‘god’?

Within the treasure hunt of experience, you discover the code to creation.
When realized, you can remove your consent from the spells that effect your life.

Are you able to take your power back from words and spells your smaller-self did not create?


Do you believe that the language you speak and think with limits your choice, presence, and ability to see outside your current experience? You can reveal where the code of conditioning came from – if you’re courageous enough.

The solution to the god code is found by questioning the premise of the whole god code farce.
It’s easy to see how duality crates perception.

Inquire if ‘divinity’ is related to other quietly egoistic words that only appear while looking through dualistic eyes… such as, ‘enlightenment’ (en-light-en-ment), ‘illumination’ (il-lumin-ation), and ‘language’ (l-Ang-Uage).