Lesser magic travels through the energy of attachment.

Unlearn the notion that ‘something else is magick’, when in actual essence, all is magick.

Unlearn the notion that ‘something else is magick’, when in actual essence, all is magick.

Lesser magic travels through the energy of attachment. Once attachment’s relinquished, then any voodoo, spell, or shamanic curse simply vibrates to nowhere.

At this point, you can give your name, hair, article of cloths, and have a good laugh. For illusions stacked on delusion are magical maracas full of beans.


The type of magic that ‘tries’ in focused conscious ways through incantations, sigils, and symbols is of smaller function than that of the magic of language and ‘kinetic’ movement. The grace of presence is groove, where the state of ‘no-purpose’ resonates so loud as the creator king that all forms of magic fall beneath it. All magic is suggestion, and all presence is the originator of such.

In the playground, all things, thingettes, and thingalings are conjured n’ created by ‘magick’, brought to ‘life’ and ‘death’ by the creative force; including bouncy ball babes, rocking horse hunks, and teeter-totter trinkets.

Do the occult concepts of ‘causal’ ‘suggestive’ and ‘magic’ have a built in contradiction?

(Yes they do, especially when considered in the framework of fractal ‘no-time’.)

Real sorcery is quiet, clouds don’t appear, wind doesn’t blow, and sorcerers staffs don’t glow (unless they’re wearing glow in the dark ‘raincoats’). In fact, most never know a spell when it happens. If you see any of those shenanigans, then you know there’s unleashed ego on the prowl. Sorcery is of the ‘Source’ - nothing more.


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